The secret to regaining your confidence after a difficult period

The secret to regaining your confidence after a di...

How do players regain confidence during a losing streak? Spanish player and coach Adrian Almagro created a thread on Twitter in which he offered seven valuable tips for dealing with a losing streak.

These are Adrian’s exact words:

What to do? What can I do to get through this bad phase better? How do I regain confidence in my game? Here are some tips that have helped me personally to overcome these negative differences or periods of poor performance:

1. Conquer Fear and Mistakes: What’s the worst that can happen? Answer this question objectively and plan how to handle the situation. Work as usual, especially if you feel reluctant, and understand that mistakes are part of learning.

2. Irrational expectations. Poker players want to win every game, but this is an unattainable expectation. Don’t view negative sessions as failures, but as part of the process. Set realistic goals > Unreasonable expectations.

Translate expectations into goals. Generally speaking, we tend to know how much money we “should” make each month or year, or what bets we should play. When these expectations are not met, we lose confidence and desire to continue working. The solution to this problem is to convert these desires into goals, because goals require application and involve the work required to achieve it. The opposite happens with expectations (what should happen).

Adrian plays football in CNP/Photo: Gema Cristobal

4. We try to control things we cannot control. Trying to control differences or emotions is a waste of time. Learn to manage both. Understand that we can overcome it and focus.

5. Learn to deal with setbacks. Correct handling of bad days or their sequence. Stopping or forcing the machine when things are not going well or we are not feeling well. Make more time to do things other than poker that bring you joy.

6. Learn to treat yourself. It’s almost impossible to be 100% A-Game. Things on and off the poker table can affect us and prevent us from playing our best game every minute. When you’re at a fairly saturated state, try to limit your exposure to more complex or intensive situations (regfesteo, higher shooting levels, very, very long learning sessions). It’s important to use your time effectively without procrastinating. Don’t make excuses for not working.

7. Understand variance. Play on a simulator and look at charts or talk to players who have been in your situation. Think about the spaces/ops/lineups you’re using and your win rate, because the lower the WR, the higher the risk of consecutive turnovers (narrower margins). Imagine if we called the river with a 25% WEP, we would lose a quarter. Even the human brain is not always designed to fail.

In the end it was like this. I hope these tips are helpful to you and make those periods of distrust in gaming that we all go through a little more enjoyable.

The secret to regaining your confidence after a di...

Comments (4)

  • This text provides valuable tips from Spanish player and coach Adrian Almagro on how to regain confidence during a losing streak. His tips include conquering fear and mistakes, setting realistic goals, learning to deal with setbacks, and understanding variance. Overall, it offers practical advice for players looking to overcome negative periods of poor performance.

  • The text provides valuable tips from Spanish player and coach Adrian Almagro on how to regain confidence during a losing streak. It emphasizes conquering fear and mistakes, setting realistic goals, learning to manage emotions, dealing with setbacks, taking care of oneself, understanding variance, and seeking advice from experienced players. Overall, these tips offer guidance on overcoming negativity and improving performance in gaming.

  • I think the text provides insightful tips on regaining confidence during a losing streak in sports. Adrian Almagro’s advice on conquering fear, managing expectations, and understanding variance can be valuable for athletes looking to bounce back from a rough patch.

  • Grimes.haylie

    I think the text provides valuable advice on how players can regain confidence during a losing streak, especially in the context of poker. The tips offered by Adrian Almagro focus on managing expectations, learning from mistakes, and understanding variance, all of which can help players navigate through difficult periods in their game.

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